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6 + 1 Traits of Writing

Sentence Fluency

  The framework of the 6 + 1 Traits Writing Model identifies six qualities of good writing.

#4 Sentence Fluency.

You want your writing to be easy to read and follow. It should flow so smoothly and sound so interesting that people want to read it aloud! When your sentences don't flow, your writing sounds choppy and flat. Your reader would not want to read it aloud.


Sentence Fluency Related Storybooks When introducing the 6 Traits to students, many teachers read aloud a text that exemplifies the trait(s). This is the notion of mentor text. Students learn the evidence of the trait from mentors and how to imitate it within their own writings. Such mentor text often includes picture books. The text is short (which is important for a mini-lesson) and engaging for students.
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Owl Moon.jpeg
Worksheets - Sentence Fluency
Week 1 Day 1
Sentence Fluency 1.jpeg
Worksheet Walk-through
Week 1 Day 2
Sent Fleuncy 2.jpeg
Worksheet Walk-through
Week 1 Day 3
SF 3.jpeg
Worksheet Walk-through

Week 2 Day 1

Worksheet Walk-through

Week 2 Day 3

Worksheet Walk-through

Week 3 Day 1

Worksheet Walk-through

Week 3 Day 3

Worksheet Walk-through

Week 4 Day 1

Worksheet Walk-through

Week 4 Day 3

Worksheet Walk-through

Week 5 Day 1

Worksheet Walk-through

Week 5 Day 3

Worksheet Walk-through
Week 1 Day 4
Sent Fluency 4.jpeg
Worksheet Walk-through

Week 2 Day 2

Worksheet Walk-through

Week 2 Day 4

Worksheet Walk-through

Week 3 Day 2

Worksheet Walk-through

Week 3 Day 4

Worksheet Walk-through

Week 4 Day 2

Worksheet Walk-through

Week 4 Day 4

Worksheet Walk-through

Week 5 Day 2

Worksheet Walk-through

Week 5 Day 4

Worksheet Walk-through
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